Break Up with Hyaluron Pens: The Risks Outweigh the Benefits

Hyaluron Pens AIN’T IT! Never have been, never will be. Before we get into anything, let’s dive into what a Hyaluron Pen is. Coined as “needle-less lip filler”, these pens literally shoot (with a loaded spring) “filler” into the intended area through a needle. Why it’s called needle-less, we’ll never know. 

At Sweet Tox, we hold your safety and satisfaction as our utmost priorities. One of our Core Values as a business is having a Safe Place/Space for our patients. That means creating a safe, non-judgmental environment for our patients to let their goals shine and speak for themselves, as well as providing and staying up to date on the safest practices and techniques.

In recent years, the popularity of Hyaluron Pens has surged, promising quick and convenient solutions to achieve fuller lips and smoother skin. However, we want to spotlight the significant risks associated with these pens, especially when administered by non-medical personnel.

The Dangers of Hyaluron Pens:

  1. Superficial Injection and Lack of Artistic Control: Hyaluron Pens are often used too superficially, resulting in bumps, lumps, and unevenness. Without proper control and precision, achieving desirable results becomes challenging. Additionally, there's no room for artistic ability or freedom with these pens, which may result in disappointing outcomes.

  2. Non-FDA Approved Fillers and Lack of Regulation: Get this; many Hyaluron Pens utilize non-FDA approved “fillers”, often just face serums, which yield poor results and pose serious health risks. The lack of regulation and oversight means that these pens can be purchased on platforms like Amazon along with the product that's being injected into your body, without any training or regulation required. In order to order Medical Grade injectables such as Tox and Filler, you are required to have a medical degree or legal agreement with a medical professional. Long story short, you don’t need to be a licensed injector to inject these pens- which is INSANE.

  3. Risk of Vascular Occlusion and Blindness: In the event of a vascular occlusion, most individuals using Hyaluron Pens lack the necessary prescription medications to prevent blindness or reversal of this emergency. The risks soooo outweigh the pros, and it’s truly a gamble you shouldn't be willing to take.

  4. Difficulty in Dissolving Poor Results: Fake fillers used in Hyaluron Pens can be challenging to dissolve, leading to unevenness, lumps, or scarring. We’ve unfortunately seen several issues at Sweet Tox related to Hyaluron Pens- some that are reversible and others that aren’t.

At Sweet Tox’s self-love oasis, it’s an absolute certainty that you’ll be in the presence of the safest products and techniques out there. We would NEVER put you at risk with any of these unsafe fads and trends.

So ladies & gents, it’s time to leave Hyaluron Pens in the past, like for forever, and opt for safer lip filler treatments. Let’s leave the lip filler injecting to the professionals 👍🏼.

Love always,

Sweet Tox 💖


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